18.březen 2025 (út)

A. Vivaldi | Čtvero ročních období

W. A. Mozart, J. S. Bach, A. Dvorak

Klementinum - Katedrála sv. Klimenta | Klasická hudba

60 minut | K dispozici

Celkové hodnocení:

Rated 4/5 based on 106
5,00/ 5

3,00/ 5

Cili vicemene na turisty, a tak se podava hlavne "to nejlepsi", coz neodpovida nutne situaci ani nalade. Mene zname skladby vychazeji mnohem vkusneji. Vystoupeni u varhan bude stat bolesti krcni patere z vykrouceneho krku nebo tupy pohled nekam jinam nez je vystoupeni. Stoji za navstevu.

4,00/ 5

Krásný koncert, dobrý výběr skladeb, zpěvačka má andělský hlas. Koncert byl o 10 minut kratší, než je uvedeno. Je škoda, že koncert nikdo neuvádí ani nedostanete tištěný program, abyste věděli, co se právě hraje a kdo zpívá. Vytiskla jsem si program koncertu z webu, ale pořadí skladeb místy neodpovídalo.

5,00/ 5

I really enjoyed the Soprano singing. She has a beautiful voice.

5,00/ 5

Nadherny zazitek

4,00/ 5

Lovely selection of music and excellent performance. It would have been good to find the programme more easily.

4,00/ 5

It was worth an experience to have if you truly want to feel the classic symphony . Playing it in the Cathedral- was the unique experience. The vocal singer was excellent , and the experience of musicians was so enjoyable. Fantastic evening. Thank you

5,00/ 5

Bon placement et bons musiciens

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Lístek na koncert jsem dala otci k narozeninám. Cituji jeho zprávu: "...... dorazili jsme z koncertu, byla to nádhera".

5,00/ 5

It was wonderful! A++++ The sound in this church is amazing. The musicians were talented and the singer was the best! We LOVED this concert.

4,00/ 5

Good concert.

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

It was really good, but as I wanted to select my seat from website, the row 2 was free, but I was assigned row number 4 and could not see the performance.

5,00/ 5

First rate concert with provisional ,Asians and siiger

4,00/ 5

Very beautiful music, the musicians were great.

5,00/ 5

Prestation grandiose!

5,00/ 5

Excellent, highly recommended.

5,00/ 5

Moc krásný koncert, skvěle jsme si ho užili.

5,00/ 5

Le spectacle était grandiose un grand merci pour ce magnifique moment Jean marie et Cathy Locatelli

Prague Ticket Office: Chers Madame et Monsieur Locatelli, Nous vous remercions pour vos aimables paroles et nous sommes heureux que vous ayez passé un merveilleux moment musical au Clementinum. Cordialement Eva, Prague Ticket Office
5,00/ 5

2,00/ 5

on the one hand side, the organist and the soprano were very good (the acoustics of the Church were also excellent). on the other hand the string ensemble was disappointingly poor. It is clear that they are not 1 team with going off piste at multiple times. It was the poorest rendition of Pachelbel's Canon that i have ever heard. Different team members went out of sequence, the first violinist was distracted by different people in attendance filming them and lost her orchestra. All in all a very unprofessional performance. the first violinist became really upset with being filmed and photographed. As organisers they should make it clear from the start that this is not allowed. it would then allow the orchestra to deliver a strong performance. That said, the chemistry between the musicians was poor with no / bad eye contact. I will avoid this orchestra on my next trips.

4,00/ 5

3,00/ 5

Kapela hrála hezky, ale chyběl jakýkoliv kontakt s publikem. Nikdo kapelu nepředstavil, nikdo nepřivítal návštěvníky, nikdo neřekl, jaké skladby kapela bude hrát a nikdo ani nepředstavil členy kapely. Toto vše by mělo být zcela samozřejmým minimálním standardem. Úplně to vypadalo, jako kdyby kapela držela bobříka mlčení… :-/

5,00/ 5

I’d add this to any Top 10 things to do in Prague list. I’m not a classical music expert but I knew most of the pieces played and thought they were played beautifully. The venue was magnificent and really added to the night. An hour is perfect too and the price was great. Highly recommended

Prague Ticket Office: Dear Mr. Constable, Thank you for your nice words, we are glad that you enjoyed the concert at the St Clement Church. Best regards Eva from Prague Ticket Office
4,00/ 5

Excellent performance

5,00/ 5

3,00/ 5

Nebyl to koncert orchestru, ale pouze "několika" muzikantů v jiném, než běžném, prostředí. To bylo dopředu jasné. V půli koncertu jsem musel požádat rodiče s malými dětmi, aby z kostela raději odešli. Seděli za námi a děti se hlasitě nudily. Odešli. Umožnit přístup malým dětem, které z toho nemohou mít ani to minimum, je nesmysl. Stát frontu na ulici mezi davy proudícími na Karlův most je komické. Další návštěva je nepravděpodobná.

4,00/ 5

Very good performance that was thoroughly enjoyed. Excellent performance with a great repertoire.

3,00/ 5

Disappointing that it lasted only 60mins. The musicians were very good but did not interact with the audience. I much preferred the concert I saw in Vienna.

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Excellent concert, bravo aux artistes

4,00/ 5

Concert was good, but we booked seats row 4-7 and got there 15mins before start and although there were free seats in those rows, someone had written name tags such that none were available. Those people didn't show up but we had already found a less comfortable seat a few rows farther back. Advice - get there really early, or disregard the name tags.

5,00/ 5

Sublime !

5,00/ 5

Superbe concert. Les musiciens et la soprano étaiaient magiques. très bien.

5,00/ 5

4,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

What a wonderful concert in a beautiful venue. The quality of the music was top class. Would definitely recommend.

4,00/ 5

Beau concert. Programme bien choisi. Bons interprètes.

5,00/ 5

It was absolutely wonderful and exceptional to see and hear extremely gifted musicians delivering a beautiful rendition of mostly well-known works. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW SMALL CHILDREN TO ATTEND YOUR CONCERTS. IT WAS EXTREMELY IRRITATING!

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Very good concert. Good selection of pieces. Great musicians.

3,00/ 5

Many of the works felt rushed and seemed as though musician’s just wanted to get through the programmes. Very disappointed. I’m a musician and felt concert was a real tourist trap. Good programme but poor execution.

5,00/ 5

The concert was wonderful. Hearing music in this church was amazing. An hour was just the right amount of time. It was chilly and we sat in the pews but i was aware beforehand from reading other reviews so that didn't bother me at all. The sound made up for any small inconveniences.

5,00/ 5

I enjoyed so much, thanks for perfect performance.

4,00/ 5
5,00/ 5

4,00/ 5

Musicians and singer lady were amazing

5,00/ 5

Krásný koncert, skvěle vybraný program, moc jsem si ho užila a moc ráda přijdu znovu.

2,00/ 5

Hudebníci přišli,odehráli odešli. Žádné uvítání, predstaveni. Prostě akce pro turisty. Byli jsme rodina 4 lidi. Za 2000 kč,velké zklamání.

5,00/ 5

Orchestr Bohemian Symphony pod taktovkou Martina Šandy hrál velmi kompaktně a instrumentálně barevně. Sólisté se vydávali ze všech svých nejlepších sil.

5,00/ 5

Opravdu krásný zážitek. Pojednaní dobrého programu , krásné akustiky a příjemné atmosféry vytvořilo nezapomenutelný okamžik z Prahy který zůstane v me paměti navždy, moc děkuji

5,00/ 5

Great concert in a beautiful baroque Church with very good acoustic.

4,00/ 5

Celkově skutečně velmi dobrý hudební a kulturní zážitek. Trochu mne překvapilo pouze 6tičlenné obsazení orchestru a možná relativně slabší zvuk varhan. Také bych uvítala větší využití varhan v repertoáru (zvláště byl-li koncert zařazen do "varhanních koncertů"). Ani nám nedošlo, že tento typ koncertů je patrně určen hlavně turistům, kterých je už zjevně v Praze pro Vás naštěstí (pro nás bohužel) zase hodně. :-) Populární repertoár zvolen velmi dobře - opět i s ohledem na turisty.

5,00/ 5

4,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Beautiful experience

5,00/ 5

3,00/ 5

Good morning I have just sent a email to you regarding last nights concert music very venue great we had VIP seats but could see nothing really ruined what should have been a nice evening I can’t believe for the life of me why artists are not on some temporary rostrum or stage just 1.5 meters high would have improved the evening 200% it’s a pity they put so much energy into it but only around 20 people could see them it spoiled what should have been a nice evening. Give it some thought and lift them up for all to see. D J Weller

4,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Très bonne acoustique. Décors sublime. Choix des musiques classiques , chants, orgue, violons,... Super. Je vous le conseille.

3,00/ 5

Un beau moment de musique classique. Nous sommes un peu déçus, car des 4 saisons nous n'avons eu que 5 minutes. Le reste était fort plaisant, mais ce n'était pas seulement un concert de Vivaldi. Un peu cher pour la durée

4,00/ 5

Un cadre parfaitement adapté à l'évènement, une durée idéale pour des profanes, une belle découverte !

4,00/ 5

Great concert with beautiful sounds, in a great athmasphore...I was really glad that ı had a chance to be there

5,00/ 5

3,00/ 5

Takový koncert pro turisty, podruhé už bych spíš nešel. Akustika v místě, kde jsme seděli, nebyla dobrá - občas nešlo slyšet ( obzvlášť sólové housle při rychlých partiích jako třeba u Vivaldiho ). Vidět jste interprety mohli jen při jejich příchodu a odchodu. Vybrat místa jste si prakticky nemohli - ačkoli jsme dle doporučení přišli 20 minut před začátkem představení, čekala na nás dlouhá fronta a pouštět do kostela se začalo až těsně před začátkem koncertu. Přední místa byla coby V.I.P. dostupná jen části publika, přičemž netuším, jak šel takový lístek koupit. Zážitek z koncertu byl příjemný, bavilo mě procházet se noční Prahou a nechat si v hlavě znít melodie klasiky. Nicméně za příjemné okamžiky vděčím čistě hudebníkům, nikoli organizaci.

5,00/ 5

Beautiful venue and amazing performance

5,00/ 5

Krásny zážitok, ktorý nás potešil na srdci aj na duši. Napriek trošku zmenenému repertoáru to bolo fantastické. Skvelý výber skladieb a úžasný interpréti. ĎAKUJEME!

5,00/ 5

Absolutely fabulous!!

5,00/ 5

4,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Magnifique concert dans un lieu somptueux. Des musiciens et une chanteuse d’un très bon niveau. Je recommande sans hésitation.

5,00/ 5

Moment hors du temps. La cathédrale est magnifique et l'acoustique incroyable. La première violon est impressionnante de talent, tout comme la cantatrice et l'ensemble musical est merveilleux. À ne pas louper.

5,00/ 5

Excellent musicians and beautiful venue. It was very easy for us to obtain tickets using the hotels computer and assistance from our Viking representative. It was an easy walk to the venue and seeing Prague in the evening was especially wonderful. It was one of the main highlights of our 3 week trip and a spontaneous event as we saw the billboard while walking through town!

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

3,00/ 5

Nebyla jsem moc spokojená sestavou jednotlivých skladeb. Možná jsem si špatně přečetla informace, byla jsem nemile překvapena zpěvem.

5,00/ 5

A wide range of impressions and feelings at the event. The selection of musical pieces was varied, with string or keyboard instruments, with and without singing. Passionate and devoted musicians.

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Good songs

5,00/ 5

first amazed by the gorgeous cathedral, then come the orchestre who played some grands classics just for the pleasure to live a scene from la dolce vita and finish with longer part of the great vivaldi. nothing to regret it was an excellent moment!

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

This was an excellent venue with wonderfully talented Artists! This was a great show to start the evening in Old Town!

5,00/ 5

Beautiful concert

4,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Amazing experience, great musicians and lovely classical music. The best concert I’ve heard in church.

5,00/ 5

It was a wonderful evening and exceeded my expectations! I’m glad I decided to change up my plans and make time for the concert. Well worth it!

5,00/ 5

A must see, when you are in Prague!

5,00/ 5

A must if in Prague. Just an hour of superb music and opera in a very special setting. Plus the music choice was a popular set.

5,00/ 5

Beautifully performed music with a good variety of classic pieces

3,00/ 5

The first violinist was really nice! One of the best I‘ve seen! So nice and smooth. But the soprano was poor. The high notes were awful a lot of times... but for the price it was ok.

5,00/ 5

It was great concert in the beautiful baroque church

4,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

I'm kind of a rock'n'roll guy, but since recently I started to listen to classical music and I love Vivaldi. European venues have a lot to offer and I visited many of them. This particular event was a big surprise. Nice strong band, like 15 string ensemble was accompanied by a church organ (apart from Vivaldi they also played some organ themes like Tocatta and Fuga by Bach and something else, I forgot what exactly:-) Lead violin, the lady with a blond hair was fantastic.I have never seen anybody paying violin like this, just a virtuoso! Over all, great job. Thumbs up!

5,00/ 5

Such a great experience! The players from Bohemian Symphony Orchestra were excelent. I have been to few quartet concerts before, but the bigger count of players takes it to the higher level. A great final of my Prague ´s stay. Thank you

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Excellent choice of music

5,00/ 5

Très bon moment avec des artistes talentueux dans lieu magnifique. A faire

4,00/ 5

Good music. Beautiful venue. But we couldn’t see the 11 musicians from the pews. They are in front of the church but not elevated. We had to stand just to get a glimpse.

4,00/ 5

Nice moment, great music and great musicians.

4,00/ 5

4,00/ 5

3,00/ 5

Firstly, I wanted to mention that the Cathedral is beautiful and it proved to be an excellent setting for the concert and the Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague were absolutely fantastic. The music was impeccable and the environment made the occasion even more special. Unfortunately, the evening was somewhat of a disappointment by people on their phones both texting/on the internet, taking photos and in one instance, a phone ringing during a song which made it extremely difficult to enjoy. I understand that there is a sign on the door as we walk in, which says no cameras or phones, however I believe this was of little use. The woman next to me was on her phone throughout the concert and I counted six other people in front of me filming at one time or another. My advice would be to perhaps have more than one sign for people to see, in case they miss the first one. They could also ask the person who checks tickets to mention to people as they come in or even spend two minutes at the beginning of the performance to make an announcement and kindly ask people to refrain from spoiling the concert for other people. It might seem a little extreme, but also having a small locker area for people to physically leave their phones would be the most effective solution but I appreciate that this may not be realistic. Overall, the event itself was fantastic but they need to be more strict with their rules.