20.září 2024 (pá)

Pocta Franku Sinatrovi

Frank Sinatra, jazz & swing

Reduta Jazz Club | Jazzová hudba

100 minut | Není k dispozici

Celkové hodnocení:

Rated 4/5 based on 8
3,00/ 5

Nice performance. Done by muscians that do the performance a couple of times per week. Quite OK.

4,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5


4,00/ 5

4,00/ 5

Really pleased that the venue was not really big which made a really intimate event. Really good value for money.

3,00/ 5

We had a good time. The venue was very good. The act was ok. The musicians were good but we felt the singer let them down. I do not know how you can do a Frank Sinatra tribute and not play My Way or the Lady is a Tramp. They are my two favourite songs and he did not sing them.

4,00/ 5

We had a very pleasant evening. The club is in itself interesting by its frame of the fifties (I think). the trio of the musicians was of a higher artisque level, the voice of the singer was simply captivating so much, it was just and beautiful.