A. Vivaldi, W. A. Mozart, J. S. Bach
Lichtenštejnský palác - sál Bohuslava Martinů | Klasická hudba
65 minut | K dispozici
Ukázka z koncertu Parnas Ensemble
Parnas Ensemble (5 - 8 členů)
Komorní ansámbl složený ze členů Symfonického orchestru hl. m. Prahy a dalších významných orchestrů si získal vřelé přijetí jak publika, tak odborníků, kteří oceňují brilantní hru, virtuozitu a smysl pro uhlazenou dramaturgii vystoupení.
Velmi se nám líbil výběr skladeb, hudebníci nás nadchli svým uměním a jejich evidentní radost z hudby se přenesla i na nás. S potěšením doporučujeme.
Celkové hodnocení:
Hudba vyborna a zanechala krasny dojem Velmi me zklamalo obleceni navstevniku. Jeden pan mel dokonce teplaky.
It was a beautiful performance. I would definitely recommend.
Pas obligatoirement fan de musique classique cette expérience dans une petite salle et très proche des artistes m'a permis d'apprécier leur virtuosité. Beau répertoire pour tous les goûts.
Excellent medley of classical music brilliantly played by the Parnass Ensemble. I was especially pleased with the selections they chose, their musical techniques, and concert venue. I strongly recommend this event for all persons who enjoy classical music and urge persons not to be dissuaded by the idea of a “medley “.
Koncert se mi velmi líbil.
Vyborny zazitek, sympaticti muzikanti, vynikajici vykom 1. houslisty, program zajimave sestaven, velmi hezke prostredi, radi zase jednou prijdeme. Po technicke strance dobre a ucelne pripravene (vstupeky).
We really wanted to see some live classical music while we were in Prague. We chose this event, and really loved it. The room was beautiful, the sound was really incredible and the musicians were top notch. We were traveling as a couple with our 19 year old son, and we’re not huge followers of classical music and we all loved this performance, from beginning to end. We highly recommend it.
The selection of compositions was why we chose to go to this concert. They played extremely well, we enjoyed it. However, the location was not as the picture suggested and they also did not play the full 75 minutes as advertised but instead only 60 mins...
Prijemny koncert. Ponekud kratke 60 , max.65min. v pomeru k cene. Skladby hrane ve zkracene veriante. Libil se nam.
We booked this on impulse whilst visiting Prague from Lont on a 4 day trip, and absolutely loved it! Amazingly talented musicians with a sense of humour. There was a small coffee shop if you got there a bit early. The seats were all on one level, but to be honest it didn't matter to us, if it bothers you then buy the more expensive tickets to make sure you're in the front section.
The Parnas Ensemble is excellent and has very good energy as a performance group. This venue felt a lot like a church basement with not great sight lines and it was very hot. But the acoustics were excellent.
Thoroughly enjoyed it
Watching the artists perform was as entertaining as listening to their music. It was obvious they loved making music.
Les musiciens au top, une superbe salle, le son était équilibré, de la technique, un très bon moment, allez-y !
Velmi kvalitní interpretace a výborní hudebníci - děkuji! Výběr melodií byl však na můj vkus až příliš "rádiový".
Parnas ensamble byli skveli. Klasicke melodie vazne hudby prokladali rozvernejsimi skladbami, kdy vybrnkavali na struny housli prsty. Krasny zazitek z hudby rusilo pouze jeviste, ktere slouzilo i jako skladiste prebytecnych zidli. Atmosfera koncertu by mohla byt jeste lepsi pokud by se v sale trochu snizila intenzita osvetleni.
The programme and performance was great, if a little short. The event was advertised as free seating and I purchased top priced tickets and arrived 30 minutes before the show only to discover that only side seats remained available. All the rest had already been alocated. Most disappointing and not as advertised.
08. března 2025 | 18:00 (so)
Připravte si, prosíme, platební kartu , abyste mohli provést platbu během 20 minut od objednání vstupenek.
Pokud jste vybrali vstupenky se slevou (student/ senior), je možné, že budete požádáni o prokázání nároku na slevu.
A.Vivaldi, M. Ravel, A. Dvořák, B. Smetana